

作为一名护士,你的时间不仅宝贵,而且非常宝贵. That’s why saving time – and money – while pursuing your 本科 科学的 in 护理 (BSN) degree is critical. 科罗拉多理工大学 offers credit opportunities for nurses that go beyond just previous education by including certifications, 许可, 专业经验, 和更多的.

Taking advantage of these credit opportunities at 科罗拉多理工大学 could help you earn your RN-to-BSN sooner than you think.


Earning a RN-to-BSN degree at CTU requires a total of 180 quarter credit hours. Of that total, a maximum of 132 quarter credit hours can come from the opportunities listed below.

There are four ways that nurses can earn college credit toward CTU’s RN-to-BSN program, including:

  • Education: If you have an 大专文凭 in 护理 or Diploma of 护理, 你最多可以将90个学分转入你的BSN.
  • Licensure: You can apply your RN license toward a nursing degree at CTU for up to 28.5个学分.
  • Certifications: National nursing specialty certifications may transfer in as academic credit.
  • Experiential Learning Portfolios: Experiential Learning Portfolios (ELPs) allow you to leverage your previous professional, 个人, 教育经历. elp与特定的rn - bsn课程相一致, essentially allowing you to bypass a particular course that covers skills and knowledge you already have, 同时还能获得同等的学分.

护士:你有一辈子的经验,为什么不好好利用呢? Experiential Learning at CTU allows you to do just that: By submitting an Experiential Learning Portfolio, 你可以凭以前的护理经验获得学分, non-collegiate教育, 和更多的. Submitting an Experiential Learning Portfolio may save you time and money toward earning your 本科 科学的 in 护理 (BSN) degree.


An Experiential Learning Portfolio is a digital document that demonstrates your previous knowledge and experience. If this knowledge and experience meets the standards for a particular course, 根据CTU护理学院院长的定义, you could bypass that course 同时还能获得同等的学分 toward your RN-BSN program – thus reducing the time and tuition investment required to earn that degree.


  1. Resume: Your resume should be completely up to date and reflect all your professional work experience – nursing or otherwise. Reviewing and updating your resume is the first step you should take when building an Experiential Learning Portfolio for nursing credit.
  2. Narrative Essay: This is the written component of the Experiential Learning Portfolio, where you get a chance to elaborate on how your professional and 个人 experiences relate to the nursing course you intend to bypass. 提供足够的, specific detail in the Narrative Essay is crucial; this should be the second component of your Experiential Learning Portfolio you put together.
  3. Artifacts: Artifacts are attachments to your Experiential Learning Portfolio that support what you’ve written in your Narrative Essay and presented in your resume. 相关工件的示例包括培训文档, 证书, 医院/诊所员工评估, 和更多的. 您包含的相关工件越多, the better; attach artifacts as the final component of your Experiential Learning Portfolio.

Evaluation of experiential learning portfolios is offered for CTU’s 本科 科学的 in 护理 degree program. 如果你是注册了RN-BSN项目的护士, submitting an Experiential Learning Portfolio may save you both time and money.

通过一门特定的课程,同时还能获得相当的学分, 你就离获得BSN更近了,对忙碌的全职护士来说也是如此, 节约时间至关重要.

The maximum amount of credits that you can earn through Experiential Learning Portfolios varies based your previous nursing degrees 和认证.


Looking to submit an Experiential Learning Portfolio for your BSN program?


  1. Review your degree program and identify the course or courses that best match your previous professional and 个人 experience.
  2. Contact a member of CTU’s Registrar Evaluation Services Department to receive and review objectives for the chosen course.
  3. Review and update your nursing resume to ensure that it adequately reflects your experience.
  4. Write a Narrative Essay, while always keeping the course objectives in focus.
  5. 收集支持你的叙事性文章的物品, 包括演示, 员工评估, 和认证.
  6. 将您的作品集提交给注册商评估服务团队.

如果你有关于体验式学习作品集的其他问题, download our sample portfolio for help or contact an admissions advisor for additional submission instructions.


The exact amount of credit opportunities available to you depends on your specific educational and professional nursing background.

Credit is awarded only after thorough review by CTU’s Dean of 护理 and the Registrar Evaluation Services Department.


准备好为您的rn - bsn节省时间和金钱? 联系CTU的招生顾问 讨论这些学分机会等等.





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